
Showing posts from January, 2022

Every Good and Perfect Gift

 January 2022 A Very Personal Gift It has been a while since my last update, and many things have happened that I'm excited to share with you, but I want to start off with the news that Chris and I are expecting a baby boy in May! (I apologize for my radio silence, as the first trimester and a half were a little rough!) We've decided to name him Theodore, after my abuelo Teofilo, and also because it means "gift of God." Without going into it too much, I'll say that it was not as easy to start a family as we had hoped. So on this side of things, more than I ever have in any other part of my life before, I feel that his little life is a gift from God. It has been a reminder of how little control I have over my life (let alone over a life I'd hoped to help usher into this world), and how deeply we are all dependent on God for all things. How relieving to know that the God on whom I depend is supremely good; how tender to remember that as his eye is on the sparrow